Wednesday, September 7, 2016

New Orleans Unique Foods Part 3 by Z.Collins

New Orleans Unique Foods Pt. 2
By Z. Collins

    I grew up in New Orleans and I live in New Orleans. A lot of New Orleans is fascinating. Especially their food. If you want great quality food then come to New Orleans. A lot of our food is spread across the country for various reasons. Places like Utah, Alabama,Texas, and many other states. One thing that caused this was Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was in the year 2005. Many evacuated because of the dangers of this hurricane. People evacuated to other states with their food which caused some of this. That's how good our food is.

                         Chicory Coffee

    New Orleans has coffee that has a mix in it called "chicory." Chicory is a type of plant.  It is also served at Café du Monde. I haven't tasted any coffee from other cities, but New Orleans coffee has more of a tangy taste. I guess every city has a different taste in coffee compared to other cities.


      Gumbo is New Orleans most famous type of soup. Texas and Mississippi are the other states that copy us with gumbo. You can put anything in it. You can add shrimp, chicken, rice, okra, onions, sliced sausage, Tobasco sauce, and etc. You can put almost anything into gumbo.

                               Corn Bisque

Corn Bisque tastes incredibly amazing! All I know is that corn, shrimp, and maybe crab meat is in it but it tastes so good that I don't even know the other ingredients to it. It's not really a New Orleans dish, it's more like a Louisiana rural dish but let me tell you, it tastes great.

                                Turtle Soup

    Turtle Soup tastes good to a lot of people but I wouldn't support anything like that. It's popular in other country just like dogs and cats are popular to eat in Asia when it kind of makes me want to lose my appetite since they're food is amazing. I had two pet turtles myself and I don't want them being extinct. Some places would have "Turtle Soup" on their menus but it's really a reference to something else because they don't have turtles. Snapping turtles is what is in it but I still don't like the idea  because I think it's disgusting  since they're muddy when they're alive.  I like to eat alligator too but I think it's different since alligators are in the water. It's your opinion though 

To read my previous blogs, click the link below, I thought that New Orleans tea is different then other cities' tea but I'm not sure. Either visit New Orleans to find out or do your own research.

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