Friday, July 1, 2016

Regina by Carolyn Levy & Carole Cambon


    This book is very easy to read but it's not too easy to read. There are a few pages in each chapter and 192 pages in total. Some chapters are pretty longer but the good part about reading is to get it over with.  It is a very romantic book and very religious to the Jewish culture. It doesn't have too much vulgar content but it does have a few curse words and talks about sex a little bit. 
    This book doesn't  talk about sex but it has action such as reading sex manuals, sex books, watching a movie with sexual content and rape. I despise the sexual content and the vulgar language but it only happens every once in a while in the book. The cursing isn't too bad it just has some words like hell, dam*, and the B word. Those are the only three cruse words that I think they use in the book but there might have others if I've forgotten.
   On the bright side, this book did help me build up my vocabulary. At first I had a good vocabulary but now I have a great one. My parents kept on saying that I had a bad vocabulary it's just that I don't like to use context clues or anything like that. It's just that I didn't know that many words but I did have a vocabulary with some big words. Vocabulary is not about how many big words you know, it's just how many words you know in my opinion but I was kind of confused because I had a OK vocabulary.  
   In the book, I like the way that New Orleans is described, I like the way that the jewelry in the jewelry store is described with elegance, and I like the way that the characters ate unique dishes at restaurants because that's something that I experienced since I live there.   
   I kind of think that this book is quite girly because it is told by a woman's perspective. I try not to dwell on reading girly books or watching girly T.V. shows and movies but I 85% enjoyed this book to say that it's quite girly. Even though I read it from a girl's point of view, I still know that I'm a boy.Since I'm focusing on being a author as a future career for me, it helped me because I learned another writing style and I know the things to do if someone wants me to write from a girl's point of view.
   In the story, there was a murder case in New Orleans during the year of 1984 and  they were trying to figure out, who killed Regina? The story is written from Regina's friend, Ginny's perspective. Ginny talked about growing up with Regina as a Jew. Regina and Ginny lived two different lives. Regina was a Italian Catholic Christian, she lost her father at the age of seventeen, she wasn't too educated, she was a model, and she was treated terribly by her mother. Ginny was a excellent student, she had many  opportunities going well for her, she was a religious Jew, and she was either a real estate agent or a lawyer. I believe that she was both. I'm not for sure which one was a Jew and which one was Catholic but I believe that Ginny was the one that was Jewish and Regina was Catholic. I do know that Regina was Italian though. Regina had a bad life and Ginny had a OK one but everyone is not perfect and  you can't hate yourself because of it. One life affects other lives. That is what I believe the THEME is and that is a very true message. 
  Ginny talked about how she had got engaged with Arnie.When Ginny had met Regina, Arnie was obsessed with Regina and Ginny. Ginny had a double date with Arnie, Mervin, and Regina. Mervin was Arnie's brother and he worked at a pawnshop. I couldn't read the Mervin part without saying Marvin because that's the name that I'm more familiar with. Regina and Mervin were dating each other.
   Anyway, Ginny talked about her life and a little bit about Regina's life. When they were in High School the captain of the football team, Tony Podesta had raped Regina. Podesta meant mayor or high official of a city in Italian and when they had got older, Tony became mayor.  He said that if she tells anyone that he would kill her. The only person that she told was Ginny.  Also Ginny talked about how Regina and Mervin met each other. She also described Regina's life with Mervin. She talked about the events before Regina and Mervin were married. Regina and Mervin had adopted a Italian boy named Johnathan.
  After that, Ginny discussed her own relationship. Ginny and Arnie may not have been quite a good couple but Arnie did introduced Ginny to some pleasant restaurants. They haven't  spent much time together because Arnie was always working out.  
  Later on, Ginny had got transferred to Guatemala and made love with a man near the lake shore. They married each other and had children together. Since she was in a relationship with Emile, she wanted to workout and get "in shape." She had commenced to know Emile's family once they were married. Regina had cheated on a man named Byron Shapiro which is also known as Byron Shelley or Bob Shelley. I'm not sure. Mervin had got mad at her and they wanted a divorce. There are only three choices. The mayor, Mervin, and herself. 

Who do you think killed Regina? Buy the book now to find out.

About The Author

(From My Perspective)

   Carolyn Levy is someone that I know personally. I met her because my mom was in a book club with her. She is someone that you would love to meet. There is nothing on the internet about her and the short biography in her book doesn't give much detail so I decided just to say something from my perspective. Mrs. Levy is a very warm kind person. She is in love the with the art of writing and literature. She writes poems and small stories everyday and she reads out loud instead of reading to herself. That is amazing because whenever I read, I read to myself in my brain so I can focus better. She reads with heart, sometimes she gets emotional and cries. I've never seen her cry in person but one time I heard that she cried from reading my mother's book, "Celestial Blue Skies." She is a excellent author with true talent.  She also has a love for music and she is pretty good at singing. She has a record player in her house and she plays music on it. She loves old school musicals such as West Side Story and a few others that I've forgot of but I found out about West Side Story a month before I discovered that she loves music. I enjoyed West Side Story and that's when I started liking musicals and I had also started learning about other musicals. Another musical that I enjoyed was Grease. Mrs. Levy has tons of music discs that she plays on her record player and a lots of musical DVD's. 
   Her husband A.J. Levy is a retired attorney. I believe his name stands for Allen Levy Junior. I also believe that he has a middle name but if he does then I had forgotten. One time, I did a  essay for Mr. Levy as a gift for being nice and patient for watching my brother and I as our parents were at work. It was a essay about a case that Mr. Levy was in. I believe the case was about how a few or a group African American kids were being abused by adults and that they have the same rights as adults. I believe that's correct but anyways, it was just our way of appreciation.  I think that Mrs. Levy might've been emotional about it too and cried.
  I don't know any facts about the other author but my mom probably know her. All I know is that if my mother wasn't in the same book club with Mrs. Levy, I wouldn't even know the best female author that I know today.

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